Tim Biskup


I'm really enjoying this dark, slightly macabre work by artist Tim Biskup. It's 50s style without the fake optimism, I suppose. The subject of death isn't for everyone, I admit, but I would love to own any of these paintings. They would find a happy spot in my home, I just know it. How do you feel about this work? Share your thoughts!

More about Tim:
Tim Biskup is a Southern California fine artist whose work has been shown worldwide, including galleries and museums in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Tokyo, Kyoto, Barcelona, Berlin, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires and Melbourne. Long recognized for his complex color and design theories and a decidedly populist aesthetic, Biskup has amassed a cadre of loyal fans and collectors. Recent years have seen the artist tend towards more complex, personal and conceptual work while maintaining a commitment to visual experimentation.
See more at www.timbiskup.com.




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