I have always been a fan of bent ply furniture. There is just something about the way it looks, so natural and yet clean and fluid. To Charles and Ray Eames the bent ply technology embodied what this website is all about, affordability. They saw it as a way to mass produce well designed furniture, with the intent on making it readily available to the masses at an affordable price. Unfortunately for us, somewhere along the line the definition of affordable got skewed. But don't despair, many new modern designers have caught on to this technology that started in the 1850's and applied it to our times, and they haven't forgotten about affordability.
One such designer is Eric Pfeiffer. I first descovered him while reading his latest book "Bent Ply: The Art of Plywood Furniture" which is a must have for any bent ply lovers. In it he covers the process of designing and manufacturing his Wave Desk. He has done some great stuff while with Offi, and lucky for us, Target has picked up a big piece of the Offi line, all of which are quite affordable.
Here are some example of his wonderful, and affordable works.
The Wavos Table $79 and Scoop TV Stand $99.
The Flip Stool $89 and Magazine Stand $89.
The Overlap Tray $99.
Way to go Target for delivering quality design at an affordable price.