On Sale! Daily deals curated

GRM Daily Modern Deals

Ok, I admit it. I've been sort of slacking around here lately. My life if busy, and rapidly changing. While I hope to eventually get back into the normal groove I have decided to add a new feature to Grassrootsmodern. Here's why.

When I originally started the website it was to share resources for affordable modern furniture and other goodies. That's because back then there was very little available online or elsewhere as a resource. Now modern is everywhere. Really. It's amazing to see how much it has become mainstreamed in the last 5 years. The good news is that it makes it much easier to find, and more affordable. It also unfortunately makes Grassrootsmodern a little less relevant. 

In the meantime, my passion has shifted from "affordable" to "valuable". That doesn't mean expensive necessarily, but it is a departure from the short term perspective of value. Now, I'm more interested in supporting craftsman I'm passionate about, and saving up to buy things I'll have my entire life. 

All this is not to say I don't like a good deal. In fact I love a bargain. Thats probably why I am signed up for WAY too many daily deal sights. If you are like me, and you are overwhelmed by all of them, I've got your back. I recently added a "On Sale!" section to the sight (button on the top of the page) where I will feature some of my favorite daily picks from all the great deals I find online. 

Check it out and let me know what you think.

Please excuse me while I pay some bills...