Modern Landscaping

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About this time last year I made a goal to completely plan out a modern landscape design for our backyard, with the intent of implementing it in the Spring. I read a few books, looked at a lot of websites, and did a few doodles. But, then the weather turned warm and I got distracted. Now it's a year later and I would really like to revisit this goal of designing a modern landscape for our little plot-o-land, so that when Spring rolls around again I'll be ready to take action! I've found some great inspiration on this Flickr group called, what else, Modern Landscaping.

Can anyone else suggest some awesome sources of inspiration? Have you been in this boat before? What tips and advice do you have for those of us who want to tackle a landscaping project? Your thoughts and stories are welcomed with open arms!

Images from, left to right, Marty52,, and rolu dsgn.

Please excuse me while I pay some bills...