DIY Hungarian Shelves

 Pub F1W 3Io5 F1W3Io5167Ep27R0Vq.Medium Pub Fnj Pdzj Fnjpdzjh6Mep27R0Lz.MediumI know that a lot of you that visit this website fully embrace the whole DIY idea. Quite a while ago, we had a question in the forums where someone was looking for an affordable modern bookshelf. I wish I would have know about this one, because I think it would have fit the bill just perfect. The author first saw the shelves in Budapest, and has such recreated them elsewhere. The design is very simple, and flexible, and best of all, you could pull it off pretty cheap. I may have to do a small scale version just for fun. For full instructions check it out over at Instructables.

This comes via Instructables, a wonderful DIY website with instructions on everything from making ramen noodles to a loft bed.

Please excuse me while I pay some bills...