Prose or design, its up to you

Blogs are nothing more than a journal that are on display for the world to see. But long before the Internet existed, you could find the freshest ideas and individual discoveries between the pages of a good old paper journal. So even though blogs are taking off we shouldn't down play the importance of the old school journal. Over the years I have tried to keep a journal, and actually started quite a few. One thing that I did notice is that a good journal is hard to find. It can't be too big, or you never want to take it with you when you are going to the park, it can't have lines, because that makes any doodling hard, and most of all it has to look good. Well for you less technical people who haven't mastered the Internet, or those who just don't want your ideas out there for all to see, here is your chance. Sprout has a new Mosiac Journal that looks to fit the bill just right. It is only 4" x 5" so it isn't too bulky. The 100 smooth pages are devoid of lines, so you can let your Jonathan Ive out, and it has a great modern print on the front. Sounds good right, so what does it cost? Just $7. So forgo that Pumpkin Spice Latte this week, and put the money towards a new mod journal.