3182 Millcreek


ed drier home


This Monday I had the opportunity to walk through one of my favorite mid century modern homes in Salt Lake City. Designed and built in 1965 by one of Salt Lake City's more prolific modern architects Ed Drier, the home has heavy Miesian influence. The exterior roof line is defined by a massive steel H beam that is contrasted by a white tile soffit that continues into the home. The continuance of surfaces is actually one of my favorite aspects to the home. Everywhere you look flooring, walls and ceiling materials seamless cross the indoor outdoor plane. This is made possible through a significant amount of glazing and careful attention to detail. Considering the amount of glass in the place I expected it to be a huge energy hog, like some of the other MCM glass and steel houses in the area, but I was pleasantly surprised to find just one furnace in the basement. The fact that it has a pool and close to a half acre sitting on the side of a ravine makes this house ideal for me. Unfortunately the $800,000 price means it's about 4 times out of my price range. I propose 3 other people go in on it with me. First pool party is on me.

3182 Millcreek MLS listing

More info on Ed Drier

Full photoset
















My first love: For sale

2252Long time readers may remember how I started the blog. My wife at the time and I had just bought a 700 square foot home in Salt Lake, and we were determined to ad a 600 square foot modern addition on a shoestring budget. (If you missed the story the first time, it starts around here..) It was a lot of hard work, but it was literally one of the best experiences of my life. In fact I'm ruined now because all I want to do is design and build houses, more on that later.

Anyway, getting to the point. Just as we mostly finished up the home we sold it. The new owner did an amazing job finishing up the remaining projects and really bringing it all together. Flash forward a few years, and he is moving on and the house is back on the market. Priced at $249K it's hard to find a comparable modern home for the price anywhere in Salt Lake.

Check out the MLS listing for all the details.

2250 Keller Ln SLC

2250 Keller In Utah, modern comes in all sorts of different shapes and sizes. Sometimes you will even find amazing modern interiors hiding inside the 4 walls of an innocent looking bungalow.  Such is the case with 2250 Keller Ln. This 1950's bungalow has gotten a complete overhaul inside and has some really tasteful modern touches. Check out more pictures after the jump and let me know what you think.

Also for more great modern real estate in Salt Lake City, make sure you check out City Home Collective.

2250 keller porch2250 keller table2250 keller couch2250 keller stairs2250 keller dresser

All photo's by City Home Collective

Affordable MCM in Olympus Cove, SLC UT

I may be geeking out on design in NY but that doesn't mean my heart isn't still in SLC, and I'm in love with this house. It is literally kitty corner from my old home up in Olympus Cove and I remember swooning over it for many a day. I have never seen the inside, but pictures don't do the exterior justice. Besides having a great design, great lot (can you say stream?) it has a great price too. The $299,000 price tag reflect the fact that it may need a little work, but I would take an original 50's interior over a 80's remodel any day. More pics and some details after the jump, or see it on utahrealestate.com.

Affordable MCM in Olympus Cove

Untouched Mid-Century Modern-style home, where form follows function. Designed by the creator of Dale Boots ski boots and built from Inland Steel, concrete, and green quartzite rocks with petrified lichen quarried from the Park Valley quarry in Northern Utah. The design is two boxes that come together at 19 degrees on a pie-shaped lot. There is the original old growth wood panel mahogany wall inside, and each window was designed to have views of the surrounding area and/or for passive solar heat. The owner lovingly built this himself, and welded each piece of steel roofing to the I-beams in the roof and floor over a period of six months of construction in 1958, and added a steel shed hidden in the back yard. (He originally worked for Inland Steel). An additional solarium was added to the kitchen to jut diners out into the private back yard. The basement walks out and could potentially have a mother in law apartment. There is 6” of Styrofoam insulation between the roof decking and the tar and gravel roof for extra comfort. The downstairs vents are covered with rounded pegboard There's a terrazzo hearth on the main floor and a fireplace down Olympus Creek runs through the back yard scrub oak for two months in the Summer. This home is a treasure of this style of construction, lovingly built and ready for the right buyer to restore it and modernize it. Sold in as-is condition, but livable now!

Square Feet On Each Floor
Floor 1: 1556 sq. ft.
Basement: 1140 sq. ft.
Total: 2696 sq. ft.

Lot Size In Acres
Acres: 0.23

Summer shot from Google maps.

For Sale in Utah: 219 Virginia Street

My friend is selling his gorgeous Federal Heights/ Avenues Mid Century Modern home located on 291 Virginia St. Priced at just over $200 a square foot, the $700,000 price tag isn't exactly "affordable" like a lot of the content we feature here on GRM. That being said, this home is absolutely amazing and is located in one of my favorite areas in Salt Lake City.

Built in 1962 this home has a some great MCM architectural features and has been tastefully remodeled and updated in 2006. If you or someone you know is in the market for a high end classic modern home in SLC, make sure you let them know about this gem. For those not in the market, just follow the link below and enjoy the eye candy.

See all the details here.