Butter Dish


I'm known for my incredible pancake making skills. One of my secrets is that I pre-butter each pancake while it's still on the griddle. That usually means fighting with a cold stick of butter to slice a chunk off. With that in mind I have been casually looking for a butter dish that isn't shaped like a cow. This Terence Conran butter dish from Overstock.com is actually pretty decent looking. I like the $12 price as well. There is also a whale butter dish by Jonathan Adler that I am strangely attracted to. Unfortunately the $68 price tag and uncomfortable feeling I get thinking about scooping butter out of a whale probably rule that one out.


Does anyone else know of a decent looking butter dish?

Terence Conran butter dish available from Overstock.com for $12Whale Butter dish available from Jonathan Adler for $68

Please excuse me while I pay some bills...