Lux by Stark outdoor dinnerware

 Extra Images Luxdinnerware Middle4Memorial day has come and gone, and even though the weather wasn't exactly conducive to an outdoor celebration, the time for outdoor gatherings is upon us. Whether you are at an outdoor or indoor party, when there are more people than seating, there is always the problem of what to do with your drink. Setting it down may mean losing it, but you still need one free hand to eat with. These clever plates and glasses by Stark have got you covered. Each plate has a small spike built into it where you can set your glass, freeing up one hand and still keeping your drink close by. The plasticware is washable (or disposable for the less frugal) and available from the Conran Shop. Plates come in either round or square and are 6 for $12. Glasses are 10 for $6.Available from the Conran Shop.

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