SLC Craigslist Finds

 0103090104080116012008041401C47F68C95Cdd7241006C59Here are a couple Craigslist finds for you locals. Some are better than others.First an Ikea Poang chair with ottoman for only $25. You almost can't go wrong there. It says that it is re-upholstered in medium moss green, which sounds pretty nice. Unfortunately no pictures. A little more upscale, and expensive is this barely used Mies Leather day bed.  01011001020001160120080414716430B45Cbebbebfc009F5C I'm no Mies expert, so I'm not sure if it's a knock off or not, but this is definitely a classic modern piece that would look great in just about any house. Price is $900. Last is a olive sofa set. I'm not too crazy about the color, but the couch has some nice simple lines. They are less than a year old, so they are in good shape. Asking price is $950, but since they are moving in three days it's negotiable. Included is a couch, love seat, chair and two ottomans. That's a lot of couch.

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