Anyone need some nice mahogany?

MahoganyGRM reader Ann of Seattle wrote in asking:

Do you know of any interest in second-hand house trimmings? I'm about to remodel a 60's house, would love for all those mahogany doors, frames, base boards etc. to go to a good home, not sure how to seek out a market ... I'm in Seattle, a "hotbed" of re-use and reasonably fashion-forward, so there must be someone who wants my mahogany :-) It's a matter of finding the community connections...

I am sure there are some great places, I would give The Re-Store a call, they might be able to help you, or at least point you in the right direction. Besides that look online or in your yellow pages for architectural salvage. If anyone in the is interested, post in the comments, or contact us and we will forward your info to Ann.

Please excuse me while I pay some bills...