Cape Schanck House


Whenever I see photos of houses like this one, I have a hard time believing that people actually live in them. Kind of like when they discover some crazy new deep sea fish: it's hard to wrap your head around the design, especially when you've never seen it in the wild. But there it is, in photos! Look, even a bed - so someone lives here, right? Anyway, the Cape Schanck House was designed by Australian architecture firm Jackson Clements Burrows. The impressive cantilever design maximizes the expansive views of the surrounding area.


My favorite part of the home, though, is the black and white kitchen. It's really inspiring to see all of this great architecture coming out of Australia. Be sure to check out the rest of the Jackson Clements Burrowsportfolio - you won't regret it!

Read more about the Capre Schanck House here.

More images after the jump!

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